Spring Thrive 365™ Membership

10 week private coaching commencing March 1st

On going support to stay aligned and connected with your true desires


No matter how far we’ve come, it’s invariably more efficient and effective to be supported along our journey.

Thrive 365 is designed to support you as the WHOLE multi faceted and awesome soul you are. To enable you to heal where required, grow where you’re ready to and THRIVE in some way every single day. We’ll help keep a structure to stay at your best so you remember where to focus to stay aligned and SHINE!

HOW WILL Thrive 365™WORK?

The group format will be similar to the mastermind you already know, in terms of group calls and intimate private Facebook group support.

Each mastermind takes it’s own bespoke form depending on the participants needs.

We follow the themes with 6 foundational modules. Whilst the core content is familiar, the experience will develop and grow alongside your personal needs in your health, work and relationships.

Private support is an optional extra with 3 private options depending on the level of private support desired.

WHEN WILL the group mastermind take place?

The group element will commence February 21st in The Wellbeing Forum, ready for official kick off in our new, secret private group 1st March.

We will take a week break in April for holidays so will wrap up May 14th.

Private coaching can be used anytime within 6 months from February onwards.


For those of you already having passed through the programme once or several times, I will support you to not only implement the already familiar Thrive 365™ principles, but stretch you with new content, personal feedback and inspirations along the way.

The modules will be extended on a bespoke basis as required and inspired by the member’s needs.


  • NLP is used subtly through most of my masterminds. Thrive 365 sees the introduction of more NLP methods like the anxiety process, conscious language and hypnosis to deepen your self awareness and optimise your potential in all areas of life.

  • If you’re happy to volunteer as a mastermind demonstration, you may also enjoy the opportunity to directly experience techniques I usually only offer private to private clients to shift stumbling blocks like limiting beliefs, indecision and cravings!

  • Most importantly this is not a ‘course’ you pass through without it being adapted for YOU. Due to our continued close connection via your welcome questionnaire, group posts and calls, I endeavour to understand and meet you where you’re at to up level not only your holistic health, but also deepen your personal development, leadership and spiritual journey.


1. HABITS FOR organisation, time management & Leadership

Whether you're looking to rise to the next level at work, up level your physical or emotional health, enjoy better relationships or be an amazing mother, your habits will determine your success.   Alongside developing levels of  productivity and organisation, we'll consider why procrastination might actually be a sign of deeper issues.  The mastermind will provide the continued support to help make the most of your precious time, stay motivated, accountable and engrain habits. So whether you’d love to launch a business, get the promotion or make a transition personally or professionally enhancing these skills and knowing the blind spots are invaluable.

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Implementing what you know is essential because our results usually come from action, not knowledge.  Deepening your awareness is a constant work in progress so you're able to recognise and breakthrough limitations literally as they occur - as we embark on a new level, there’s often a new devil!

As we develop, we often find we bump into similar patterns, disguised in different ways - they are rather sneaky! Hence not not only are you propelled forwards more quickly, but also you develop the habit of being unavailable to stay stuck or spinning in cycles of stress, self sabotage or fear.

Developing consistency in habits with your mindset to anchor in more deeply your  practice is an essential part of this process.


Explore the next layer of how your money story was created, how a negative one can hold us back and how to create abundance across several areas of life, with more ease.  Financial freedom can be one of essential elements for you to enjoy the levels of health, happiness and success you desire, yet so often no-one teaches you us HOW to do do this!  

Maybe you have a burning business idea that you're keen to launch, are wanting to make a significant work transition or simply want to feel at peace about money, then delving deeper in here can make all the difference to your progress.  This was an area I had no idea existed and until I qualified as a coach I was totally unaware I had a 'money story', never mind that it could be ‘healed’. However gradually it all made sense and just like other 'wounds', a money story when heals it can feel immensely liberating. How would you live differently if you felt financially free?


Heading deeper into hormones - why sleep, weight, sex and stress are inextricably linked and what dynamic women need to do understand to enjoy great energy through our thirties, forties, fifties & beyond. And age graciously.

Fine tuning your nutrition, exercise and sleep to feel on great form CONSISTENTLY so you aren't side swept and held back by injuries, illness, hormone challenges (such as PMT, peri-menopause, menopause & headaches), weight and body image issues or periods of high stress. 

The more advanced themes of embracing the energy of the moon cycles, ayurvedic and functional medicine rituals will also be continued.  



The more we can understand our emotions, the easier life is. Diving deeper into our emotional brains and thinking brains. Maintaining healthy boundaries so you don't take on too much in order to people please. Deepening healthy communication methods such as non-violent communication and neurolinguistic programming to make life easier with challenging topics or dramatically improve relationships with colleagues, kids, partners or friends.  

Deeper forgiveness practices so you can fully release those required to claim the emotional freedom and potential you're capable of. 

Overall with the aim to develop your resilience so you aren't totally consumed for days by taking on dramas, which often aren't even yours.

6. MINDFULNESS, ENERGY CLEARING, FEMININITY and the spiritual connection

Truly understanding who you are and being able to connect with your innate wisdom whenever you require are I believe the most powerful tools we have, yet are so often massively underused.  Delve deeper into breath work, mindfulness and meditation to develop your connection with your deep intuitive feminine super power.  

By deepening your practices such as journalling, we will continue to work together to clear blocks and create clarity, courage, and aligned action. And inner peace. 

My personalised energy clearing and protection process will both continue to help to deepen your connection to your health, self and the universe.


Scroll down for the exclusive options designed for mastermind Alumni, who have already been through the programme, or those I already know through pilates, yoga or physiotherapy. If this isn’t the case it may not be completely clear how this process can help you! If you’re not sure what it’s all about then the main public website page has much more detail, results you may hope for, frequent Q & As and some testimonials.

Though before you leave - do note this is an exclusive invitation, with special options and pricing so isn’t publicly visible. You won't be able to find or return to this page via the website, you will need your exclusive link in your e-mail to access it so simply save it in a safe place.  

Click below to view the full details for the THRIVE 365 Mastermind:

There are 4 EXCLUSIVE THRIVE 365™ ALUMNI options:

  1. Thrive 365™ Membership

The Mastermind Membership is a way to continue to receive access to the group aspects of the Thrive 365 Mastermind, without committing to private coaching. You’ll continue to heal, grow and develop your full potential as well as stay connected in a supportive community of conscious women, without committing to private coaching.

It is by invitation only to ensure the dynamics of this very special group of women remains intimate, safe and high vibe.


  • Welcome questionnaire: to dive in deep, identify your goals and share them with me so I know exactly where you’re at

  • Bi-Monthly themes: with weekly mini-trainings in bite sized videos, facebook lives or posts

  • Accountability, goal setting, pacing and celebration: to keep you on track and accomplish what you truly desire

  • Daily weekday support from myself in the facebook group: for issues or insights as you go along

  • Monthly group coaching: for personal attention. 3 calls in total where everyone receives time to have a question answered verbally

  • A relevant book study / prompts: for deeper exploration and development

  • Support to develop consistent habits: repetition creates habits at a neurological level.

  • The resources site: to keep the material organised and easily accessible

  • Community: never find yourself alone in inner turmoil. Share, be supported and learn from the development of others.

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits about working in an intimate group of other highly conscious women, is that we so often don't know what we don't know.  The insights we often witness in others as they grow, allows us to recognise similar elements within in ourselves and hence fast track our progress too.  

As you may have already gathered, I am truly passionate about you attaining and maintaining your desired level of happiness, health and success, however that looks for you.  I will only ever work with those I'm fully confident I can support and I would be honoured to continue to support you in the next stage of your personal development, optimal health and spiritual growth. 

Investment for THRIVE 365 MEMBERSHIP:

* OR payment plan: 3 x 90 euros


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15 minute private zoom coaching session for alumni membership bookings made on or prior to 18th February!


BONUS 1 - 3 months access to HER resources

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Didn’t quite get chance to listen or absorb the HER trainings?

Enjoy extended access to absorb HER resources at leisure

BONUS 2 - Live Yogalates + replays

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Join us live or access the replay for 6 yoga and pilates classes

  • Tuesdays 9 - 10.00 am CET

  • Access to half term 6 weeks late February - April

  • Classes follow some of the themes in the mastermind

  • Replays available

Prefer to have private support along the way?

The Thrive 365 PLUS and GOLD offer exactly that:

2. Thrive 365™ PLUS


  • 1 x 1 hr private coaching session

  • Pre coaching session questionnaire

  • Post session e-mail.  

  • Full Mastermind Membership as above

  • BONUS! reserve Thrive 365 Plus by 18th February and benefit from a complimentary 30 minute private lazer coaching session


*Or payment plan : 3 x 145 euros

3. Thrive 365™ GOLD


  • 3 x 1 hr private coaching sessions

  • Between session accountability questionnaires and e-mail as required.  

  • Full Mastermind Membership as above

  • Extended 6 month payment plan available on request

  • BONUS! Reserve Thrive 365 Plus by 18th February and benefit from a complimentary 45 minute private coaching or NLP breakthrough session


*Or payment plan: 4 x 185 euros

4. The Thrive 365™ Private Experience


  • 6 x 1hr private coaching sessions

  • Between session accountability questionnaires and e-mail as required.  

  • Full Mastermind Membership as above

  • BONUS! Reserve Thrive 365™ PRIVATE by February 18th and benefit from a complimentary private coaching or 75 minute NLP breakthrough session


* Or payment plan: 6 x 225 euros

YES I’m In!

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If you're all set and ready to commit simply send me an “ I’m in! ” e-mail to reserve your place.

Include details about which option you’d like - the Membership, Plus, Gold or Private version to: sally@thewellbeingconsultants.com

I’ll be in touch within 48hrs to reserve your place.

Payment links will be sent on the 1st March to pay in full or start the payment plan.

We’ll kick off with orientation questionnaires and Facebook group orientation February 25th, to officially begin March 1st to launch you into Spring and Summer the way you desire!



Should you have ANY questions at all don’t hesitate to reach out via the same e-mail address.

Not sure what you want or need? More complex questions? If you feel you'd like to talk through where you're at, what's next or best for you, do book in a complimentary call.  I'd be delighted to discuss what would work best for you, no strings attached. Simply book your call here:

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Photo credit @Daria Philipa

Photo credit @Daria Philipa