designed to Support driven women to align with their vision for 2020 and bring it alive with balance not burnout


Most of us start the year raring to go.

Few of us maintain the energy and enthusiasm to make the changes required to feel the way we want to CONSISTENTLY past January.

Accelerator is designed to support smart driven women to move forward with both their health AND professional goals, even when they’re time short.

To provide a timely support system, as the New Year energy fades away. To reduce overwhelm, self sabotaging habits, and to ensure healthy habits are installed instead.

To support you to grow personally, professionally and / or physically. To stay confident, balanced and productive to not only get the results you desire for your health and work, but to consistently FEEL the way you desire.

With less stress and more success.

Holding the space with accountability, guidance, inspiration and insights so you stay out of confusion, exhaustion or self limiting behaviour. To actually IMPLEMENT all you already know.

Finally pacing yourself enough so your hormones stay balanced, enabling you to actually ENJOY the journey, as opposed to burning out along the way.

See it. Believe it. Achieve it.


yoga mountain. small.jpg


Accelerator is a brand new 6 week version of my original and longer Thrive 365™ system. This shorter container is designed for women desiring a sharp burst of close support to launch into 2020!

Special for this first launch, you will enjoy full access to Thrive 365™ resources! Thrive 365™ is my original holistic health and performance online system, designed to support dynamic women to enjoy CONSISTENT ENERGY to fuel their desires.

Accelerator can be taken as a pure group experience, or private coaching can be added if desired.


The process is specifically designed for women who want to uplevel or transition personally, physically or professionally in 2020.

Smart conscious women who have a growth mindset and who are motivated to change

Women who enjoy love being surrounded by others equally dedicated to their personal growth and desires.

For some it will be a phase of transition and realigning with their soul’s desire and purpose

For others it’s time to uplevel physically by balancing hormones, losing weight or healing a chronically inflamed gut or pain.

You may have a growing desire to make a bold move such as launching a creative project, leaving a secure job or uplevel a business.

Or, it may simple be time to prioritise your emotional health, relationships or children so you feel more of a sense of inner peace and joy.

I’ll meet you exactly where you’re at.

The women in this programme will likely be smart conscious women who have already done a fair amount of personal development and soul seeking. They know the essentials of wellness, eat reasonably, and have several tools to keep them well, focused and happy.

However, the realities and unpredictabilities of life can get in the way of your best intentions. From fluctuating hormones and challenging relationships to juggling ALL the things and responsibilities, the sandwich years can be challenging for many reasons.

It can be difficult to stay on track, particularly when we’re time short.

No matter what the goals, the patterns that hold us back from feeling the way we’d like to or accomplishing what we desire are invariably similar.

We can find ourselves stuck in overwhelm, exhaustion and anxiety.

With subconscious cycles of scarcity, procrastination and spinning our wheels through indecision and fear. It becomes frustratingly slow to progress in the way we desire.

Thrive 365™ Accelerator is designed to help you get out of your own way so you can Thrive more consistently at work, home and play.

We’ll support you with the strategy required for success with your goals, but in my experience recognising the destructive patterns or beliefs as they occur are the real key to longterm results with your health and wealth.

Accelerator will help you reprogram and replace destructive behaviour with kinder habits.

Why is Aligned Success so important?

By considering you as a WHOLE, we’ll make sure you’re focusing on the best goals not only so you make the most rapid progress, but also so that you feel fulfilled upon it’s completion.

Weight loss is a classic example. Say you lose weight, but are so miserable when you get there that it wasn't worth sacrificing your happiness for. Hence why calories and exercise are far from the complete picture when it comes to weight loss.

Or let’s say you’re so keen to get promoted at work that you put in ALL the hours at the expense of your health and relationships. You get the promotion but the stress of managing the damaged relationships and worrying health symptoms make the accomplishment somewhat bitter sweet.

In my experience we often have it somewhat backwards when it comes to goal setting. Because we’re chasing a goal as opposed to the desired feeling or a vision that you’re truly aligned with.

Thrive 365 embraces the philosophy that your health, happiness and energy are the fundamental pillars of sustaining your performance at work, in your business, parenting, relationships, personal projects and sports.

If we lose our passion, flow or connection with our inner desires, we become misaligned in our health, decisions, daily habits and relationships. It’s invariably all connected.

The Thrive 365™ System

The Thrive 365™ System

Yet we can’t do it all and have it all at the same time, or can we? 

Having worked with thousands of driven achievers for over 25 years in the fields of health, the military and sport, I’ve seen time and time again that sustainable performance and happiness comes through physical and deep core emotional health. It’s tricky to sustain either if we aren’t thriving in our bodies and minds.

When we align with our core, the decisions around where to focus our precious time, energy and money becomes strikingly clear.

When we’re misaligned or hold dysfunctional or old beliefs, it’s invariably accompanied by stress, suboptimal health, financial struggle and / or relationship issues. That’s a lot of wasted time and energy!

I love to support women to keep things as clear and simple as possible so you get the quickest and best results, with the least effort.



The Accelerator Mastermind can be accessed alone which is a way to enjoy 6 weeks of group coaching and peer support, without necessarily committing to private coaching.

It is by application only to ensure the dynamics of this very special group of women remains intimate, safe and high vibe.

The 6 week mastermind time commitment is a sharp burst so you can fully commit to our time together and get the first quarter of the year off to a strong start. 

WHEN WILL the accelerator mastermind START?

The group coaching element will begin January 23rd and provide 6 weeks of virtual group coaching until March 13th 2020


  • A welcome questionnaire: to check in where you’re at, your 2020 desires and where you’d love to focus

  • 3 virtual group coaching sessions: for personal attention. 3 calls in total where everyone receives time to have their question answered live or submitted in advance.

  • Accountability, goal setting, pacing and celebration: to keep you on track with the required habits and action to accomplish what you truly desire

  • Daily weekday support from myself in the secret online group: for issues or insights as you go along. I’ll be right by your side to help deal with areas such as set backs as they occur, identifying limiting patterns and deciding where to focus for best results.

  • 6 weekly themes: covering the essential pillars for women’s health, happiness and success. These will be bite sized videos, facebook lives or posts designed to support NOT add unnecessary learnings to your already full plate.

  • Support to develop consistent habits: repetition creates habits at a neurological level.

  • Accelerator Mastermind resources site: to keep any new material organised and easily accessible until mid summer

  • Community: never find yourself alone in inner turmoil. Share, be supported and learn from the development of others.

  • A strategically placed ‘reading week’ mid - February: to give you space to breathe and reset.

  • An optional book study theme / prompts: for deeper exploration and development

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits about working in an intimate group of other highly conscious women, is that we so often don't know what we don't know.  The insights we often witness in others as they grow, allows us to recognise similar elements within in ourselves and hence fast track our progress too.  


Full access to my online signature programme Thrive 365™ resources! (value 995 euros)

All mastermind members will enjoy access for the duration of the mastermind to the Thrive 365 library! This includes over 20 mini trainings covering the main topics I find women consistently need to feel fabulous and aligned in their life and work, including:

Success mindset, Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Hormone Balance, Emotional and Spiritual Health and Feminine Leadership



Payment plan available: 3 monthly payments of 115 euros

Prefer to have private support along the way?

The ACCELERATOR PLUS and GOLD offer exactly that:

Photo credit @ Daria Philipa

Photo credit @ Daria Philipa



  • 3 x 45 minute private coaching sessions which can be used virtually from anywhere in the world! (Or in person near Messery, France).

  • Between session accountability mini questionnaires and e-mail.  

  • Full Accelerator Mastermind membership as detailed above


    Reserve the Accelerator Plus version by December 30th and benefit from a complimentary private 30 minute coaching session


Payment plan available: x3 monthly payments of 250 euros



  • 6 x 45 minute private coaching sessions

  • Between session accountability questionnaires and e-mail.  

  • Full Accelerator Mastermind membership as detailed above

    BONUS: Reserve Accelerator Gold by December 30th and benefit from a complimentary private 45 minute coaching session


Payment plan available: x3 payments of 450 euros


The mastermind will take it’s bespoke form depending on the participants needs. You’ll beable to request the specific support required based on your needs.

As you’ll also enjoy full access to the vault of resources from Thrive 365™ you will have access to the core trainings on: mindset, hormones, exercise, nutrition, emotional mastery and deepening your spiritual connection.

The bespoke experience will layer upon these, develop and grow alongside your needs in your health, work, business and relationships.

Over our 6 weeks, I envisage the themes to optimise your personal development, health, leadership, femininity and spiritual journey will cover:

1. deepening MINDSET MASTERY

Having the fundamental belief in yourself and your desires is essential. We’re all susceptible to self doubt, fear and they can be the root of both extremes of over achieving and under performing.

Deepening your mindset is a constant work in progress so you're able to recognise and breakthrough limitations and destructive habits literally as they occur - as we embark on a new level, there’s invariably a new devil!

What we think.jpeg

As we develop, we often find we bump into similar patterns, disguised in different ways - they are rather sneaky! Hence not only are you propelled forwards more quickly, but also you develop the habit of being unavailable to stay stuck, spinning or procrastinating. Developing consistency in habits with your mindset to anchor in more deeply your  practice is an essential part of this process. Analysis paralysis, indecision, inaction, overwhelm are just some of the patterns that we can rewire by delving deeper into the mind.

2. IMPLEMENTING HABITS FOR optimal health, happiness and success

Implementing what you know is essential because our results usually come from action, not pure knowledge.

Whether you're looking to rise to the next level at work, launch a business, up level your physical or emotional health, enjoy better relationships or be an amazing mother, your habits will determine your success.  We’ll develop our levels of  productivity, organisation and time management required to support our desires. The mastermind will provide the continued support to help stay motivated, accountable and engrain habits.


Already reasonably connected with your body, in Accelerator we’ll dive deeper into fine tuning your nutrition, exercise and sleep to feel on great form more CONSISTENTLY so you aren't side swept and held back by anxiety, winter bugs, hormone challenges (such as PMT, peri-menopause, menopause & headaches), injuries and pain, unwanted weight, body image issues or periods of high stress.  

We’ll dive deeper into hormones to clarify what dynamic women need to do understand to enjoy great energy through our mid thirties, forties, fifties & beyond. And age graciously.


The more we can understand our emotions, the easier life is! Diving deeper into our emotional and thinking brains. Areas such as:

  • Maintaining healthy boundaries so you don't take on too much in order to people please.

  • Deepening healthy communication methods such as non-violent communication and neurolinguistic programming to make life easier with challenging topics or dramatically improve relationships with colleagues, kids, partners or friends.  

  • Deeper forgiveness practices so you can fully release those required to claim the emotional freedom and potential you're capable of. 

Overall with the aim to develop your self awareness, as well as resilience, so you aren't consumed for days by taking on dramas that stumble into your life and often aren't even yours.

5. abundance, quantum leaps and wealth CONSCIOUSNESS

In my experience results come from partly from knowledge and self awareness, part strategy and alignment and part from the universe meeting you half way. Let’s continue to leverage this law of attraction to keep life more in flow, and less in struggle.

Just like a physical wound can heal, a story of lack of money / health or love can also heal. And as it does so it can be immensely liberating. Would you be living differently if you felt consistently full of an abundance of love and energy? Or if you felt complete financial freedom?

By exploring the next layer of how any struggle / money stories were created, we can learn how to create abundance across several areas of life, with less struggle and more ease.  This is a particularly important topic for anyone desiring to run their own business, step up to the next challenge or promotion at work or feel a sense of financial independence. Receiving and financial freedom can be one of essential elements for you to enjoy the levels of health, happiness and success you desire, yet so often no-one teaches you us HOW to do it!  

6. ENERGY CLEARING, Meditation and deepening your spiritual connection

Truly understanding who you are and being able to connect with your innate wisdom whenever you require are I believe the most powerful tools we have, yet are so often massively underused. It’s also an ongoing process as we uncover layer upon layer of our complex self! By delving deeper into mindfulness, meditation and energy, we’ll continue to develop your connection with your deep intuitive feminine super powers.  Delving deeper into moon cycles, seasonal cycles, menstrual cycles to better understand ourselves and our place on Mother Earth.

By deepening your practices such as journalling, we will continue to work together to clear blocks and create clarity, courage, and aligned action. And inner peace. My bespoke energy clearing and protection process will both continue to help to deepen your connection to your health, self and the universe.

YES I’m In! what TO dO neXT:

  • If you're all set simply send me an “ I’m interested! ” e-mail to apply here:

  • Include brief details about where you’re at and what you’d like to accomplish through the process along with which option you’re interested in (the Membership, Plus or Gold version)

  • I’ll be in touch within 48hrs to check it’s a fit and which level of support would be advised. If it is we can reserve your place with the first payment and help fully launch you into 2020 the way you desire!


1. *I'm very busy and often overwhelmed hence I'm not sure I'll have time for anything extra, how much time will I need to devote to this?+**

As much or as little as you like. 10 minutes per week day in the group should suffice as a minimum. The group calls are bi weekly, 3 in total. Thrive 365 Accelerator is designed to optimise and focus your habits by identifying what is MOST efficient for you based on where you're at and your goals. I often find I help my clients REDUCE their commitments and free their headspace, as opposed to overloading them. Less is more is one of my favourite mantras.

The aim is NOT to load you with extra tasks and modules for study sake but to have resources available as required so you don't need private coaching for the commonly discussed tools or topics. I can help direct your viewing / reading based on your exact needs. Any recommended reading is optional so this could be done at your own pace or once the mastermind has finished.

2. Will Accelerator help me lose weight / manage menstrual and hormonal challenges / reduce headaches or back pain / manage digestive issues ? +

Most probably! You will benefit from access to the full Thrive 365 resources vault where there are trainings on nutrition, exercise, sleep and hormone essentials. You'll have week day access to me in the group to tweak your strategy.

Don't hesitate to book a call to discuss your specific challenge and I can help guide you more specifically. Alongside being an holistic health coach, I also work as a physical therapist so have 25 years experience helping people heal. Although in this capacity I will be your coach, not your therapist, which I see as a great thing as it helps empower YOU to take full charge of your health.

The programme is not designed to diagnose your condition or replace your medical treatment so please consult your doctor as usual. However, I've seen time and time again that when balance and peace is restored in the body, mind and soul, deep healing can take place, from which the miraculous really can happen. This often leads to a reduction in medication or eradication of the need for surgery.

3. I'm not particularly exhausted, my physical energy is actually quite good, will I still benefit from the programme? +

If you're looking for any personal, professional or physical uplevel then most likely YES! I use the term 'energy' to describe your physical, emotional and even spiritual energy. For example, you might be feeling great physically, yet you may feel you get tossed around on a rollercoaster if any emotional upsets occur around you. You know that if you were more resilient to these situations then you wouldn't feel so drained. Or you might be a little 'lost' as to what your next steps are and hence feel like you've lost your mojo right now. I'm here to help guide you to CONSISTENTLY great energy across the various areas of your life so you can enjoy all of it, more consistently!

4.I'm struggling with anxiety, low confidence and imposteur syndrome, will Accelerator help me? *

Most likely yes. Though we can check by discussing on the phone to clarify. My expertise and experience is to support with health, professional, personal and sporting goals. You will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire before we talk, so fill in as much detail as possible regarding the challenges you would like to address, including any current medications aand I will be able to guide you individually. For those who are struggling, the plus or gold options which include private coaching will likely being advised.

5. *My aim for 2020 is to build my business / launch a creative project / get a promotion at work, will Accelerate help me do this?

Yes! Your Energy is EVERYTHING! I'm trained as a business coach as well as a health and performance coach so I can usually help you see what's required to get to the next level, pick up if anything is getting in your way, and help you step into the most powerful, confident, focused version of you. Many of my clients gain promotions at work, transition to their dream job, set up businesses or uplevel them. When you're in a Thrive energetic state more often, your results will be accelerated.

6. I'm not sure a group environment is right for me... +

* If you haven't tried it before you may be surprised with the value you can gain from being surrounded by like-minded women who share a common goal of up-levelling to the best version of themselves. That said, occasionally you may gain more benefit from purely private coaching. This can be discussed in a complimentary call.

7. I'm not actually sure what coaching is, or if I need it? +

* Once people have experienced the value of having a coach, they often wonder why they 'managed' by themselves for so long! Personally I will never be without one whilst I'm running my own business because I know how my levels of health and performance are directly related to my level of success. That said, my intentions are to EMPOWER you with knowledge, self-worth and focus so you get the results you desire without having to 'depend' on anyone.

I use a blend of both coaching and consulting. I also use a blend of scientifically proven western methods alongside selected eastern and holistic methods which make sense given their proven track record. Being trained in both enables me to offer my clients a bespoke set of tools which suit their needs and desires. I use a very integrated body and mind approach; I passionately believe and have found from experience that the two cannot be separated.

8. I'm a guy but would really like to do the mastermind, is it just for women? +

* This round of Accelerator is specifically for women. However I do work with gents in my private 1:1 programmes, so do send me an e-mail or feel free to book a call and we can discuss if I can help. And keep your eyes out, future versions of Acclerator may open to chaps so do let me know if you'd like to stay informed.


LIKE THE IDEA BUT not 100% sure this is for you?

Should you still have ANY simple questions at all please do feel free to e-mail me .

Not sure what you want or need? More complex questions? If you feel you'd like to talk through where you're at, what's next or best for you, do book in a complimentary call.  I'd be delighted to discuss what would work best for you, no strings attached. Simply book your call here or send me an email if there are no suitable appointments:

AN EXTRA WORD ABOUT THE BIGGER PICTURE, your potential and conscious female leadership….

I passionately believe that empowered women are totally capable of making a huge impact, in our world which is screaming out for change. My entire work may on the surface seem like an effort to help people heal and feel empowered about their physical and emotional health. The reality is I have a much bigger mission. I know that healthy, empowered women have HUGE influence in their work, on the environment, with their children and in their communities.

I also know that exhausted, over stressed or disempowered women not only fall pray to health and hormone issues, but they massively reduce their ability to make their impact. Her light can’t shine so bright. She’s often too busy or distracted to live aligned to her full desires and values. She hesitates about getting the support she desires, often because she feels her needs are somehow less important than those around her. She makes too many sacrifices and hence limits her potential. Gradually she dampens her power, and something within her often sadly fades.

Hence my mission is to empower women to be the most vibrant, healthy, happy, connected, creative and purposeful versions of themselves.

Powerful, conscious, feminine leaders. Not in an ‘everyone has to change the world in a huge way and lead a campaign’ kind of way -though several women who’ve been through the Thrive programme are doing exactly that.

Simply making the absolute most of your precious life, showing up consistently as your best, healthy and happy self, so you shine your light and make the world just that little bit brighter. It doesn’t matter who or what you lead - whether it’s your kids, your students, a charity, your business, your passion projects or an international cause.

What is clear is that when you take a stand for your health, happiness and purpose, then ALL those around you benefit.

The world will be saved by western women

- The Dalai Lama

I am truly passionate about you attaining and maintaining your desired level of happiness, health and success, whatever that looks for like for you.  I will only ever work with those I'm fully confident I can support. So if it’s a match, I would be honoured to continue to support you in the next stage of your personal or professional development, health uplevel or spiritual growth journey. 

To your fabulous health, happiness and success in 2020!

Sally x

PS. I pride myself on the fact that 98% of my coaching clients reach the goals they set out and more and are highly satisfied with their progress. Watch the short video below for a few of their testimonials or consult our testimonials page for more.