1. CONFIDENTIALITY – The term confidential information shall mean information which is not generally known to the public relating to the client’s business or personal affairs. Coach agrees not to disclose, reveal or make use of any confidential information learned of through the coaching sessions. Coach shall keep the confidential information of the client in strictest confidence and shall use its best efforts to safeguard this information. Confidentiality of other participants information is expected by client.
2. NO SUBSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT – Client agrees to be mindful of his / her own well-being for the duration of the coaching and seek medical treatment (including but not limited to review by their medical practitionner or psychotherapy) if needed. Coach is not providing medical or therapy services. Coach is not responsible for any decisions made by client as a result of the coaching and any consequences thereof.
3. CANCELLATIONS – any cancellations will be made 48hrs prior to the appointment by the client for a weekday appointment and by 17.00pm on a Friday for a Monday appointment. Any cancellations less than this will be charged in full. In the unlikely event of cancellations by coach then the sessions will be rescheduled.
4. REFUNDS – upon execution of this Agreement, client shall be responsible for the full extent of the Fee. If client cancels attendance of the program client will not receive a refund unless there are extreme medical reasons for which a medical certificate will be provided.
5. USE OF SESSIONS – timing of private session is within the time frame on the initial coaching agreement, hence appointments need to be scheduled to fit within the agreed time frame. Outside this timeframe the sessions will be forfeited.
6. TIME – timing for appointments is adhered to as per scheduled appointment, late attendance by attendee can result in shorter session time. In the unlikely event of late attendance by coach, time will be made up in same or subsequence sessions as per clients preference
7. OTHER TERMS – ticking below shall constitute a legal and binding agreement with the same effect as an originally signed copy.
By purchasing this service you are agreeing to abide by THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS