New Year Alpine Retreat

January 11th - 13th 2019

in Les Houches, FRENCH ALPS


Release, reset and kick off 2019 as you mean to go on!

GAIN THE CLARITY, CONFIDENCE and PERSONALISED PLAN to feel the way you truly desire.

ALONGSIDE develop the mindset and wisdom required to accomplish your goals at work, home and plAY

All attendees will be sent a 2019 Intentions Questionnaire to send back so I can study your needs and create the bespoke retreat prior to arrival.

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  • 1 x 1hr Private session available

  • Early arrivals may relax in the beautiful lounge, reserve the sauna or head out for a walk


18.45 Aperitifs & canapés - Let’s get to know one another a little better !

20.00 Dîner Légé with the first theme

21.30 Meditation with gentle relaxing yin yoga


8.00 hr New intentions meditation with yang yoga

8.45 First coaching segment whilst you sip on your veggie smoothie

9.30 / 9.45 Petit déjeuner

10.15 - 12.30 2nd Coaching Segment

12.45 Dejeuner

14.00 Relax or power nap time!

14.30 Optional petit activité dehors

16.30 Gouter in Salle de Yoga pour 3ieme parti coaching

18.00 Close & break

Optional aperos / lounge time

19.30 Dinner legé

Early night or time to relax & chat over tisanes by the cosy fire.

I’ll be opting for the early night to be on great form for our final morning together!

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8.00 hr Best you visualisation & meditation

8.45am Smoothie & over-night questions or theme eg. Nutrition

9.45 Petit Dejeuner with final intentions declarations and mantra’s

11.00 Check out rooms / Free to explore / Departures


  • Optional 1:1 private session available



We will not be eating mountain fondue! Sorry if you like fondue…so do I, but my tummy and most other people’s find it a little heavy.

Food will have healthy options, can be gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian as required. We will also consider the timings of the meals which I find is as important for digestion as the actual food. Overall we’re looking for you to feel healthier, not heavier by the end of the weekend!


Do note some time will be optional (like the afternoon walk / rackets) so you create the weekend that works best for you with as much rest / activity and socialising as you desire.

The 2 private sessions available will be available on a first come first served basis.

Expect a-ha moments with other awesome like-minded and highly self-aware people.

We'll be digging deep where required to uncover limited beliefs that may have been subconsciously getting in the way of your progress with your health, career or happiness.  

This will be an intimate setting where you get plenty of personal support, yet alongside you benefit from the group energy.

In my experience, the powerful combination of the elements included will be like rocket fuel for your body, mind and soul.