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Hi, I'm Sally Dibden and I'm delighted that you're here. 

So many of our concerns: Body, Mind and Soul are totally entwined.

Busyness, Backpain, Stress, Exhaustion, Difficulty with Mood Control, Anxiety, Weight Gain, Body Tone Changes, Headaches, Digestive Troubles, Feeling a "bit low" or even "lost"...just a string of unrelated words and problems right ? 

Maybe. Maybe not.  

Are you starting to belive that you need to 'accept' that you just aren't getting any younger and these kind of things occur ?  Afterall, most people you speak to these days seem to relate to at least a couple of the symptoms.  So it's normal right ?  Besides is anyone out there truly happy and satisfied with their lot ?  

Common yes. Normal ? Absolutely not 

Get free access to my '5 Day Energy Boost'! Just enter your details below:

With over 20 years experience as a Coach, Chartered Physiotherapist, and Pilates Instructor in the field of health and sport, I establish your overall 'whole' healthYou are indeed a complex system of systems, not a 'backpain', 'stress' or 'digestive' problem for example.  Which is why it can save you a lot of  time, money and energy to be supported in a way which reflects this.    

There is sooo much advice out there at the click of a finger and so many doctors, coaches and therapists keen to support you, that it can be hard to know where to start and who to believe.  The problem can be that the advice we receive can be very fragmented. We get help for our food.  Then enthusiastically we try to get fit.  We muddle around with a bit of guidance from the good old University of Google and there we have our patchy (at best) and harmful (at worse) 'treatment plan'.  

The truth is most of us haven't got the time for endless internet searches or countless rendez-vous'.  It's also highly frustrating when we have actually tried to sort things out, but it's just not worked.  


I would be delighted to connect with you!  If you want to know about why I'm so passionate about helping people reach their optimal level of wellbeing  I'll tell you more right here.


If you're thinking well yes ok, when I've got time, once the kids are this or the mortgage that, just pause long enough to think again.  When IS the right time for you ?  The fact is, if we take the time and energy investing in ourselves and staying at the top of our game then we really are best able to support those around us.  


Ready to find out how I can help?  Then browse on.... 


Corporate Life and Health Coaching

Healthy, happy employees create a healthy business

Healthy, happy employees create a healthy business


Private Life and Health Coaching

Find the energy and health you need to live the life you desire

Find the energy and health you need to live the life you desire

Unique blend of  HIP pilates, stretching, mindfulness & wellbeing tips

Unique blend of  HIP pilates, stretching, mindfulness & wellbeing tips


Let's bust the myths and explain the facts regarding how to achieve and maintain optimal levels of health and happiness.  Find out how to get sustainable results. Stay focused and motivated on an informed path.

Should you have any queries do e-mail here or connect below with us on our Social Media, we would love to hear from you ! 

I hang out most days on my Facebook page where I post daily inspiration.  Ladies, also we would love to welcome you into our private Ladies only Wellbeing Forum Facebook Group.

Struggling with pain or injury ? Want to optimise your performance ? 

Struggling with pain or injury ? Want to optimise your performance ?