Our time together is designed to get RESULTS.  

The process is based on my learnings through 25 years clinical experience, with the last 15 years focused on coaching driven women who tend to have similar challenges and are invariably time short.

HER™ has already been tried and tested by many women, however it will always be ever evolving and adapted to match the needs of those in it, because every women is unique.

It has everything in it you need for the essential foundations to optimise your clarity, body, energy and life, and nothing you don't.

I’ve spend tens of thousands of hours and pounds learning all I know about female health, healing and performance and have carefully condensed the essentials into the digestible, practical, HER™format.

Knowledge is only power when it is APPLIED.  I'm not here to fill an overflowing mind with more unnecessary information. Nor am I guessing what you need.  

By making space to tune into what you really want you’re able to focus on your TRUE desires.

This is an essential for women - when we disconnect from our true needs, our womb and the hormones associated with it, can present with imbalances.

I’ll help you create the time, energy and clarity to devote to the purpose, projects and people you’re truly passionate about.

HER™ will help you to get to the root of challenges, by getting to know yourself more deeply and start to:

  • Better manage stress, anxiety and overwhelm.

  • Enjoy more energy and avoid burnout.

  • Balance work, life and family.

  • Manage your mindset and emotions.

  • Connect more with your intuition and ability to make quicker, aligned decisions.

  • Better understand menstrual, moon and seasonal cycles that shift your energy.

  • Get your spark and confidence back and have the tools and habits to keep it!

Physically you’ll learn to:

  • Regulate appetite, portions and lose stubborn weight, as well as eat more intuitively, so you don’t have to weigh out food or strict calorie count.

  • Reduce emotional eating, cravings and addictions to sugar, caffeine or alcohol, as well as reduce reliance on unwanted medication.

  • Calm PMT and other female hormone imbalances and transitions like perimenopause (it’s worth noting that perimenopausal signs can start in our thirties and catch out MANY women - particularly the driven and busy ones!)

  • Settle digestive issues like bloating, constipation or IBS.

  • Sleep soundly and wake up refreshed.

  • Heal inflammation - one of the roots of pain, slow to heal injuries and many chronic health conditions.

  • Release chronic pain and recover strength - especially premenstrual, headaches and back pain.

It is designed to focus in on the main areas in your life you want to either develop or those that are depleting your energy and hormones, hence holding you back and affecting your health, happiness and success.

Essentially HER™ is designed to facilitate your freedom by HEALING FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

Enabling you to feel consistently energised and ALIVE.

So you can live your LIFE UNLIMITED.  

More kind words from previous clients…

Why is energy, hormone, body and life balance necessary? 

Almost every female patient and client I work with, whether they’re in late puberty, post natal or perimenopause phase has a degree of body and hormone imbalance which hinders their health, happiness and performance. Often resulting in a seemingly random health crisis, even burnout.  We live in a fast paced era, and whilst we can live at top speed for short bursts of time, we can’t fool the body. 

The body never lies, and rarely does a u-turn, unless you intentionally support it to do so.  

HER ™ is designed to not only help you get the results you want, but alongside start to teach you to become your very own body and mind expert and detective to make changes that will serve you for LIFE.

With targeted tweaks, I can help you transform or at least up level your energy, health and life.

We usually find that actually less is more. 

I'm frequently told one of my super powers is my highly tuned intuition, for which I'm thankful for everyday.  

Though even more valuable is that I'm able to help YOU connect with YOURS, and hence stay connected with your true self, which is truly empowering and liberating.  

That said…HER is not for everyone.

HER™ is for you if you:

  • are open to personal growth.

  • want to clarify your purpose and step into your true potential.

  • want to feel consistently energised to fuel your professional and personal goals, as well as have energy left for those around you.

  • have a specific health aim, such as reducing anxiety, pain or PMT, losing weight or thriving through perimenopause.

  • want to optimise your fitness and immune system for a specific reason such as: Lowering the risks of Covid-19, age optimally in great health (which is not always the same as fitness), or be in peak condition and avoid injury for a specific sporting event.

  • are ready to move beyond Yoga and self help books with a highly experienced coach by your side, to support your transformation to a deeper sense of self and peace.

HER™ is not for you if:

  • you believe earning more money and staying in constant overdrive is more important than your health and happiness.

  • you are stuck in a ‘victim’ mentality and aren’t ready to release it.

  • you’re looking for a quick fix.

Professionals, parents, entreprenneurs, it doesn’t matter who you lead, but it does matter that you’re in a great state if you’re to do so to your best ability.

We help connect the dots, as much of what we experience is interconnected and related. We aren’t a separate body, mind, soul, but all one.

Clarity, calm and inner peace often ensue; from which you are best placed to sustain your results as opposed to feeling like you're on a rollercoaster of massive highs and lows, with your motivation, health, mindset, emotions, exercise, diet etc etc!  

I would be totally delighted to support you in your process to feeling energised, focused and free! 

Keen to know if this is right for you or already raring to start?

Register your interest here and you’ll be informed as soon as we’re open to register 1st September:

Who you surrounded yourself with matters.

Being part of an intimate mastermind has enormous power. I’ve done it multiple time, continue to do so, and am always in awe of the results when women bring our powerful energy together.  

Modern women can often find themselves lonely, living away and even overseas from close family and old friends. Hence, even though we are surrounded by new fabulous friends or colleagues, the conversations can lack the depth, history or the space we need to feel connected and grounded.

We also don’t know what we don’t know and it’s often so much quicker to learn by seeing things in others.

You won’t get lost in a big group where no-one knows who you are as the group will be small enough to provide an intimate safe environment. It will be there to hold the space 24/7 for support and inspiration. You can participate as little or as much as you like…totally your call.  Though of course, the more you put in the more you'll get out. 


It sounds great but I'm already overwhelmed, time short and don't feel I can cope with anything else.. +

I hear you! I'm a big fan of less is more.

It can be overwhelming to know where to start and particularly frustrating if what we try doesn’t work as quickly as we’d like.

The trick is to identify WHICH things will make the BIGGEST difference to your body, mind and life, so you can be both efficient and effective.

We usually find that actually less is more.

To do ALL the things can add to the stress. Getting to the gym and the yoga class, eating perfectly, as well as meditating daily can feel like more to fit in your rather hectic schedule. Alongside the mixed messages we read about what miracle hack could magically transform our life, it can be confusing what to do or know who to believe! Should you go vegan? Should you be fasting?

We will guide you to clear the physical, mental and time space for the energy you need to fuel your TRUE desires. The coaching is designed to support you to foucs. As well as find smart ways to reduce 'over' busyness and hence feel lighter and clearer. Often times we can drop certain baggage and beliefs, delegate out or become more organised and productive.

I'm a big fan of making the most of our time on this earth, yet with an ethos of working smarter not harder. I've noticed that often driven client's have such big desires for their life and their children's lives and that's great. However, if that's to be sustained with sanity and health, we really need to be efficient and enable your body and mind to maintain the pace. Through our coaching at times, clients even realise that their drive to perform comes from an unhealthy place and together we untangle the web around why, which releases the constant subconscious pressure.

Women particualary often need to recognise that their bodies and lives change in their thirties onwards, which can dramatically shift their hormone balance from a state of thriving, to a state of survival.

Sustainable female health and performance therefore has to consider hormone harmony, if the desire is to feel CONSISTENTLY happy in the process.

I'm not sure about the group coaching, I think I'd prefer private support, is this possible? +

Absolutely. We can discuss this. You would choose one of the private coaching options and the resources would all still be available to you. I also take on a handful of totally private coaching and consulting clients. However the beauty of HER is that it blends the benefits of both private and group coaching methods. The group teachings and learnings for accountability, community and to keep the price more accessible, along with the degree of private support you would like.

My physical health is good at the moment, could I still benefit from the emotional / mental elements? +

For sure. I use the terms health and energy holistically to describe body, mind and soul. It's great you're feeling well physically - this can be a brilliant time to delve in deeper emotionally, as you aren't physically depleted. I can help you develop emotional and mindset mastery so you feel more equiped and resilient in challenging situations. I'm here to help guide you to CONSISTENTLY great energy and health across each area of your life so you can enjoy it all.

Do I need to see the doctor /nutritionist for special tests first? +

Sometimes, particularly for those at the the far end of the burn out or chronic symptoms spectrum. I passionately believe that the best long term, sustainable and enjoyable results come from deeply understanding YOU and integrating your whole body, life, desires and self. I frequently work alongside your Doctor and we sometimes advise tests. However, my opinion and experience is that the medical, medicinal or nutritional route alone is often limited, expensive or unsustainable for your lifestyle. There's a reason my tagline is "Life Unlimited".

I've already worked with a psychologist / personal trainer / coach and tried diets and it didn't work long term for me. How is this different?

I’ve already tried EVERYTHING is something I hear ALOT.

Except when we break down what’s been tried, the action isn’t usually as systematic, comprehensive or specific as it needs to be to get to the root of the problem, or at least deep enough for the results the individual desires. This is far from cost free - it reduces our confidence and belief that we’ll EVER find a solution and sadly it’s often the point where people give up.

Due to my extensive experience and ever growing tool box, I'm invariably able to quickly grasp where you're at, understand the route of the challenge and help make the required shifts quickly by using the best tool for the job.

I have to admit I've no idea what coaching really is or if I need it?! +

I combine a bespoke blend of coaching, consulting and teaching in this programme.

All coaches have different training, ethos and experience. I consider coaching as a process to help you get to your truth, optimising your potential and accelerate the timeline to getting the results you desire.

I use a very integrated body and mind approach and passionately believe that the two cannot be separated. Having been trained originally in both scientifically proven western methods like physiotherapy, alongside ancient eastern and holistic methods like acupuncture, I offer a vast range of tools and insights that I find most clients benefit from.

I balance facilitating any 'healing' which may need to be done, alongside progressing towards the desired outcome in your life - be it personally or professionally.

Coaching is empowering because you CHOOSE to do it, very consciously. You're choosing to uplevel. You're choosing to believe in yourself and get the support YOU deserve to be the best you can.

However, my aim is to also offer my services to those ahead of the game. They know that something needs to change, OR, they just want to get the absolute best out of themselves. The beauty is you don't have to have 'a problem' to benefit enormously from being coached!

I support my clients to not only accelerate the timeline to accomplishing their goals, but checking their alignement on the way to ensure that they'll be happy and healthy when they achieve them, otherwise what's the point?

Couldn't I research and do this myself? __ +

With google at our fingertips, my super smart clients often arrive reasonably well informed and proactive.

However, it is not uncommon that information overload, as well as trying MANY things, has actually added stress and confusion to an already very busy plate. Yes, you could try and figure some of the next steps out by yourself with the help of dear old google. However, a non-personalised approach is often at best slower and at worse damaging, depending on whose advice you stumble upon.

Leaving you left feeling frustrated and dispondent, like you’ve tried everything and it’s not worked.

Chances are you’re doing lots of great things to stay on great form already, even if you don’t have time to do all you know to do.

We are complex human beings. Things aren't always what they seem and can involve various 'layers'. Hence the skill is understanding this and knowing where to prioritise your precious time and energy for optimal results. What worked great for your best friend, may be far from optimal for you.

Also we can't see what we aren't aware of, hence why our independent searching can be confusing. Our limiting beliefs, thoughts, perspective, hormones etc all play a huge role. It's often because a problem has been looked at in isolation that the results are limited. My philosophy is to understand YOU as a WHOLE. What makes you tick? How do you love to live etc? Then we create the lifestyle, body and mindset to achieve that. We look at what IS already working and make that even better. The power comes from integrating and truly understanding your WHOLE SELF, body, mind and soul.

Further Questions?

Want to know if I can support you but can’t find a time to suit you to talk?

Have we already worked together and you’d love to join? Do reach out for the special Alumni link for your loyalty code.

 Simply send me an e-mail with your current situation and desires to discover if we're a fit to work together. If it’s clear we are, great! Otherwise I may suggest we book a short call to check and we will find a time to speak asap. Rest assured, neither an e-mail nor conversation obliges you to follow through with working together.