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Rocket fuel your health, wealth AND happiness in 2020



Rocket fuel your health, wealth AND happiness in 2020

Thrive 365™ is available in January in it’s NEW ‘accelerator’ 6 week version below. Do note private coaching can be added to accelerator to enjoy longer or deeper support.

the full THRIVE 365, 90 day signature version, is CURRENTLY CLOSED.

APPLICATIONS OPEN FOR APRIL 2020 INTAKE open, please apply here.

bespoke private and group coaching blend to support driven women to thrive at work, home and play.

Join an energy shifting vortex to RECEIVE the clarity, support and wisdom you need to live, lead and feel the way you truly desire

I'm guessing you're driven.  


you have high standards and big goals for you and those around you.  


You're  successful by any normal standards, but you may lack the time or energy to achieve all you desire.


  • You feel like you're riding a roller coaster. Whilst you say you feel "fine", you're actually physically exhausted or emotionally depleted, complete with some degree of anxiety or mood swings.  You don't always have the patience you'd like to have with your colleagues, partner or kids. 

  • Superficially you look "fine" too. It appears you're in total control to the outside world - you're great at keeping up appearances.  Yet inside you're over-whelmed or under-confident.  The critical self talk is incessant - you know you're smart and capable, so why aren't you managing, manifesting or feeling better you ask yourself?  

  • Your body is letting you down - digestive issues, back pain, hormonal symptoms such as PMT or headaches.  You're feeling either unfit, overweight, or older than you'd like to admit.   You might even be popping a pill or two, on doctors orders to control the hormones, mood, sleep or pain.  Yet your body - it's shape, health and fitness are super important to you. 

You would love to feel vibrant, healthy and truly present with those you love. 

To have the time or ability to simply relax, spend time immersed in a soul fuelled project or escape alone, just for YOU.


You don't have time to be ill, yet you're aware of the signs and know something needs to change pretty quickly.

 You also simply want to feel your best, for yourself and those around you. 


Imagine LIFE WAS ALL YOU DESIRED...and more

Imagine LIFE WAS ALL YOU DESIRED...and more


And SUSTAIN those results by learning tools and skills to keep you there? 

CONNECT with the real you, HER deep inside when we remove the masks, busyness and responsibilities.

She's really smart. Intuitive. Grounded. 

How do I know? 

Because I help women find 'her' deep inside everyday.  I also know that when they connect with 'her', life gets easier. It flows. It changes. 

I'm so excited to present a solution which aims to do that and much more.   

A programme for both physical, emotional and life mastery.  

To help you move away from surviving and get you truly thriving and shining in your life. 

It's designed specifically to support dynamic busy women to get the most out of themselves: body, mind and soul...


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I'm so excited to introduce this process!  It combines what is in my experience, the best of both worlds - private coaching, with a small high vibe community of other women on a similar mission to be their best self.  




Over a private conversation we discuss where you're at and if working together would be a fit.  If so, you decide upon the level of private support you would like and how big and quickly you want to climb the mountain!  Scroll down for options and pricing. 

STEP 2 - Welcome! 

You will be sent an extensive welcome questionnaire to establish exactly where you're at with your life, health and goals for 2018.  You establish  what intentions you have for the Coaching and Mastermind and the support you require.  You return this to me to study prior to our coaching.


STEP 3 - Private Coaching

Your private coaching sessions are scheduled as soon as you are ready.  They are completely bespoke to your situation.  

One of your private sessions can be used for MINDFULNESS BASED ENERGY CLEARING SESSION which can be fabulous to release subconscious beliefs, stories or patterns that have been draining your energy or holding you back in your health, life or work.  We connect deeply with your body and it's own super smart and powerful intuition which can be very powerful in unleashing your full energy and potential. It can also be a deeply healing process. 


STEP 4 - the GROUP Mastermind

  • The group element, the online Mastermind, will run from mid April to mid July 2019

  • The accountability, interaction and support from our small community of incredibly supportive women can be invaluable

  • Weekly accountability themes and topics help you stay on track

  • The teaching modules are run bi-weekly and the same themes follow in the group. They are concise, practical, with pointers to progress and develop in your own time as oppose to 'homework' to hand in. 

Over OUR 90 days together we’ll focus on up-levelling your health, self and business /career. 

Alongside You’ll get to meet other dynamic and conscious women on a similar mission to be their best - body, mind and soul

 The bi-weekly group teachings will cover the 5 foundational pillars of:  


Clarity and structure are the first keys to freedom.  Firstly we aligning your desires, dreams and purpose.   We ensure the fire within you is ignited and on-track so that all that you are striving for is in complete alignment with who you really are.

Then we check if the systems you're using to organise yourself are optimal or if they need upgrading to make the best use of your precious time.  Overwhelm, chronic procrastination and consistent busyness or multi-tasking are often exhausting and unfulfilling.  They're also very often signs of deeper issues.


Limiting beliefs, which we are largely unconscious of (particularly around money, health and love) often run our lives. Alongside, our inner critic can truly sabotage our success in all areas life.  If you desire the strength and resilience required to optimise and sustain your results, learning to be aware and take charge of your mindset is arguably the most important part of all! By recognising persistent patterns and going deeper where required we are able to breakthrough and release blocks no longer serving us.


80% of my female clients struggle with imbalanced hormones even though they may not recognise the symptoms as such. It's a BIG challenge in our busy era, hormonal balance is FUNDAMENTAL for sustaining your sanity, health and success! By debunking myths and confusion we help to recognise what your unique body thrives on, without having to totally obsess about how to eat and exercise.  Nutritional, exercise and sleep tweaks are given to encourage healing or to restore ideal weight, hormonal balance and energy naturally.  We help you understand what you need to stay strong, energised and at your ideal weight. Let's add fertile, and free of injury, pain and illness to those benefits too!    


Restoring peace and balance in your busy life, stressful situations and relationships.  Helping areas such as confidence, self-worth / self-love and calming the inner critic. As well as addressing specific issues such as shame, emotional eating, unhealthy addictions, anxiety, depression, grief, anger and resentment which are all HUGE energy drains.  


Learning to stay connected deeply with your intuition and true self so this can be your reliable guide.  Time spent on guided and focused introspection pays dividends for your clarity and drive, alongside helping maximise your energy, health and wealth.  

We wrap up with The Big Picture.  We connect the dots, so much of what we experience is interconnected and related. We aren’t a separate body / mind /soul but all one.

A clarity, calm and inner peace often ensue, from which you are best placed to sustain your results as opposed to feeling like you're on a rollercoaster of massive highs and lows with your motivation, health, mindset, emotions, exercise, diet etc etc! 


New content is created on the specific needs of the attendees and is likely to include areas such as female leadership at work and home, improving our relationship with money and deepening our spiritual and intuitive connection. 

Being part of a high level mastermind has enormous power.  I've done it, multiple times.  Who you surrounded yourself with matters.

High achieving women can often find themselves lonely, even though we are surrounded by friends, family and colleagues. The conversations can lack the depth and space we need to truly grow.  Being surrounded by other high vibe women, committed and invested to becoming their best selves, is empowering and inspiring.  

A safe environment to use for support and inspiration. Where you can participate as little or as much as you like, totally your call.  Though of course the more you put in the more you'll get out. 

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I went through the Energy Transformation Coaching with Sally after feeling really tired for a few months. I was having a few health problems but I also felt generally felt quite 'stuck' and uninspired, which is very out of character for me. Sally has this brilliant ability to make you feel instantly relaxed and safe, and she seemed to intuitively move the session where it needed to go, without much information from me. The session itself was a really enjoyable and calming experience.

There was almost an immediate physical reaction from my body after the intensive session, followed by a week or so where I felt, what I can only describe as, 'rebalancing.' However, I really wasn't expecting what came energy returned very suddenly, in fact with such gusto that in 3 days I created a whole new business and launched it online - a business that is so fabulously feminine and about which I am more excited than I could ever have imagined! The transformation has been absolutely amazing. I would highly recommend this process and Sally to anyone! 

Natalie McKenzie-Brown, Photographer, Business Coach, Mum. UK


I went through the Energy Transformation Coaching with Sally after feeling really tired for a few months. I was having a few health problems but I also felt generally felt quite 'stuck' and uninspired, which is very out of character for me. Sally has this brilliant ability to make you feel instantly relaxed and safe, and she seemed to intuitively move the session where it needed to go, without much information from me. The session itself was a really enjoyable and calming experience.

There was almost an immediate physical reaction from my body after the intensive session, followed by a week or so where I felt, what I can only describe as, 'rebalancing.' However, I really wasn't expecting what came energy returned very suddenly, in fact with such gusto that in 3 days I created a whole new business and launched it online - a business that is so fabulously feminine and about which I am more excited than I could ever have imagined! The transformation has been absolutely amazing. I would highly recommend this process and Sally to anyone! 

Natalie McKenzie-Brown, Photographer, Business Coach, Mum. UK

Here's what a few of our last mastermind intake said about their experience: 

I am just finishing my Mastermind Coaching course with Sally and I can truly assert that it has been transformative. I think Sally's genius is in her unique ability to impart concrete information paired with her uncanny ability to get to the root of a problem in minutes. She offers both concrete suggestions and the opportunity to delve deeper into root causes. She also combines professionalism with a gentle empathetic touch. Sally really cares about the personal growth of her coachees, and this goes a long way to embed her wise teachings. What I gained was a more diligent attitude to quarterly and daily goal setting, time management at work and at home, and an affirmation of the power of body work to connect with the subconscious. Above all I felt a great sense of purpose and a bounce in my step.... As a bonus, it has been lovely to be connected with a group of other searching and driven fellow Masterminders.

Dr Tanya Murphy, Founder of, Switzerland

The unique thing about Sally's work is she emphasises achieving goals from being in a place where you enjoy them. This requires much deeper work ensuring that physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually things are balanced.

Sally truly cares about the people she works with and will go above and beyond, her skin is in the game. She has a gift of knowledge when to pull back and can quickly and efficiently organise a quagmire of thoughts into a simple action plan. She also knows when to slow down, stop and realise that compassion and empathy are the keys to being able to move forward. This ability to dance between the micro and macro that makes working with Sally magical.

With the bonus of a the group alongside my private coaching, not only was I able to benefit from Sally’s laser focus, I was also able to see other women’s stories evolving and how a wonderful group looked at their lives from different perspectives to achieve their goals.

Philipa, Engineer and photographer, Toronto

Before I started the course/coaching with Sally I was bobbing around in a rough sea, surviving and reacting to what life threw at me, without direction or energy to steer myself. Now, thanks to Sally I not only have the rudder and sail in the form of the tools she has given me, but as my trajectory has become clear and simple, the peaks and troughs of life’s events have evened out and it’s plain(er) sailing ahead.

The course and coaching enabled me to spot and release a lot of negative patterns in my life, and this was so important as I was fortunate to be doing the mastermind at a time when I was faced with a sudden bereavement. I felt the love and the support offered by the group, and taking to heart Sally’s advice on self-care, was able to pull myself through this very difficult time and support my family.

Thanks to Sally’s coaching my future goals are clear and achievable, and my life feels so much simpler, and more fun!

Rachael Harris - Amazing teacher, conference plenary speaker, mum and daughter, friend, survivor, warrior, adventurer, past -and future marathon finisher. France.


Other words used by previous clients to express the results they gained by working with Sally ... 

The Emotional...

  • A sense of calm and fulfilment: the ability to be present in the 'now' instead of incessant worry over the future or spinning over the past with an improved ability to make decisions = > more focused and better at life, business and fun!

  • Increased energy: like a brand new lease on life!

  • Decreased anxiety or stress levels: hence complete liberation from or decreased dependence on medication / emotional eating / sugar / alcohol / cigarettes.

  • Increased confidence in self and making great decisions for body and mind and hence, life.

  • A sense of calm and fulfilment: the ability to be present in the 'now' instead of incessant worry over the future or spinning over the past with an improved ability to make decisions, increased patience with children.

  • Better connection with self, partner, colleagues and kids => improved ability to tackle challenging situations and be patient with kids!

  • Much increased clarity regarding business projects, important life decisions and desires: in terms of career / family / future and how to live 'on purpose' => happier!

The Physical...

  • Decreased or elimination of PMT and other hormone-related symptoms.

  • Full and restful nights sleep after years of disturbance.

  • Weight loss, that stays off, and is achieved without massive restriction or any mention of the word DIET!!

  • Decreased pain: especially back, neck, headaches and those niggly injuries that you thought would never disappear.

  • Stronger and fitter: back to a body that works, consistently. Increased understanding of their unique body - improved stomach tone, increased control of pelvic floor; all contributing to a flatter stomach. Better performance in sporting events with improved endurance or flexibility, resolved and decreased risk of injuries.

  • Improved body confidence and self image

  • Food confidence: much improved knowledge of what to eat for their body's unique needs and hence improved energy levels and blood test results

  • Increased resilience to stress: no longer falling ill or injured at the first sign of winter or challenging / stressful event

Essentially the programme is designed to facilitate your freedom to enable you to

live your LIFE UNLIMITED! 

It covers what I've found to be the absolute foundations for: 

Emotional freedom: so your energy isn't consumed by challenging situations or people

Physical freedom: so you aren't held back by your energy or amazing body

Personal freedom: to focus on what lights you up, with balance to enjoy the journery 


As a Certified Transformational Life and Success Coach,  Certified Holistic Health Coach and Physical Therapist, I'm  passionate about supporting you to be the best version of yourself.

 It's what I've done for 20 years and still love it.  

My coaching  is designed to get RESULTS.  Having a pretty notebook full of dreams is NOT what works alone.  It's a start, but in my experience the power is in clarity, alignment and deep connection with our true selves.  Then we can follow with aligned and inspired ACTION! 

Knowledge is only power when it is APPLIED.  I'm not here to fill an overflowing mind with more unnecessary information.   Nor am I guessing what you need.  The Mastermind is based on experience and results of having worked with hundreds of achievers who have similar challenges.  It has everything in it you need for the absolute essential foundations for a happy, healthy and successful life and nothing you don't.  It is also fine tuned and adapted to exactly match the needs of those in it. 

 I frequently encounter clients and patients who are exhausted, unfulfilled and even burnt out. They're in significant 'pain' and have been FORCED to STOP by mother nature.  It is my passionate belief that the prevention is both more efficient and much easier than the cure!  This is why it is my mission to support women who have so much to juggle in this busy age and help them to stay in fabulous form consistently, not occasionally. 

So WHAT WILL the rest of 2019 BRING YOU?

The energy, health and time to pull off everything you set your mind to? 

The happiness, success and fulfilment you dream of?

The ability to lead with love not fear?

Or struggle.  

With the patterns of overwhelm, illness, depletion and dissatisfaction getting in your way.  

With a cluttered mind and a to-do list as long as your arm.  

Of putting other's needs way above your own. 



You choose how much private support you desire.

 The group mastermind support is the same whichever option you choose…


Thrive 365 - includes 3 x 45 minute private sessions*


Thrive 365 PLUS - includes 6 x 1hr private sessions*


Private Coaching can begin September 2019. Group Coaching will begin January 2020

More from the masterminders...

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Working with Sally has really helped me get back in tune with my health and my body. Over the past few weeks I have stopped making excuses and started incorporating more activity into my day and it hasn't stopped me being productive with my work or life, in fact the opposite. I have also made tweaks to my nutrition and am becoming much better at identifying when I might be doing too much and burning out.

As a self confessed go-getter who wants it all now, working with Sally has helped me to reassess my priorities and become more mindful. She coaches with a mix of sensitivity and grace yet pushes beyond the surface to get to the real issues! Something that I needed to do to move forward to achieve! I highly recommend Sally for coaching.

Minnie von Mallinckrodt-Grant,

TEDx speaker curator & Mum, UK

The mastermind has had a really important impact on my life - it has brought me back to myself and my desires. It has shown me how to balance everything in my life - including time for myself... It’s a very complete approach, with so many useful tools!
— Fifa organiser, Mum of 2, Switzerland

Sally had a transformative influence on my life, encouraging true introspection and inner work to manifest the life that I dream of, and to be at ease with the strength within, not distracted by the noise, that can be so deafening. Sally is Gods voice guiding you, mind, body, spirit to the fullness of self and of life and of love. I have been greatly blessed to share and be guided. Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Chidiogo Akunyili,

Author, Speaker and Founder of She Roars Africa, Canada

Since I joined the mastermind I have more confidence in my actions and am starting to enjoy the rewards... Given my over-active mind and anxiety with juggling a job, husband who travels, living away from close family and raising four children, I definitely needed someone to help me channel my energy to the right places according to my desires...
— Project manager, Mum of four, France


The mastermind  is specific to the needs of time-short female professionals, entrepreneurs or dynamic mothers who want to feel happier, healthier and more effective in their daily pursuits at work, home and play.  It is designed to empower, educate and inspire you about how to get the most out of yourself, your body, mind and  life.  It will also help you feel much better equipped to support those around you. 

Essentially it is specifically for smart dynamic women who want to feel awesome and live their best life.  Particularly for...

  • Those undergoing major life transitions such as turning a 'certain' age, moving countries or changing jobs.

  • Women wanting to TAKE CHARGE of their life and STEER IT in the direction they desire, eg. with a new career project.

  • Those wanting clarity in a sea of information overload around what is REALLY best for their body, mind and life.

  • Those challenged by body struggles such as feeling overweight, underconfident or emotional eating.

  • Women struggling with particular physical or emotional health issue such as anxiety, hormonal or stress related illness or injury.

Many of the same essential principles apply to those in challenging jobs, busy parents and high performing athlete's; essentially women who want to be in top form to do what matters to them AND ensure they have the time and energy to truly thrive alongside. 


  • Those uncommitted, who want someone else to do the work for them.

  • Those who aren't coachable or ready for change. Though do check in on this one - there is rarely a 'perfect' time to do anything!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I'm very busy, how much time will I need to devote to this? +

As much or as little as you like. The process is designed to help you introduce and keep sustainable healthy habits NOT to give you lengthy modules for study sake. The private coaching sessions will depend which option you choose.

2. I'm not sure I'll have time for any extra reading +

The recommended reading is optional so this could effectively be done at your own pace once the mastermind has finished.

3. I'm not particularly exhausted, my energy is actually quite good, will I still benefit from the programme? +

Very probably! I use the term 'energy' to describe your physical, emotional and even spiritual energy. For example, you might be feeling great physically, yet you may feel you get tossed around on a rollercoaster if there are any emotional upsets occur around you. You know that if you were more resilient to these situations then you wouldn't feel so emotionally drained. Or you might be a little 'lost' as to what your next steps are and hence feel like you've lost your mojo right now. I'm here to help guide you to CONSISTENTLY high energy across the various areas of your life so you can enjoy all of it, more consistently!

4. I'm overweight, lacking focus and struggling with certain relationships in my life right now, will the Mastermind help me? +

Probably! Though we can check by discussing on the phone to clarify if this is suitable. You will be asked to fill in a short questionnaire before we talk, so fill in as much detail as possible regarding the challenges you would like to address and I will be able to advise you individually.

5. I'm not sure a group environment is right for me... +

If you haven't tried it before you may be surprised with the value you can gain from being surrounded by like-minded women who share a common goal of up-levelling to the best version of themselves. That said, occasionally you may gain more benefit from purely private coaching. This can be discussed in your complimentary call.

6. I'm a guy but would really like to do the mastermind, is it just for women? +

This specific group mastermind is designed for women. However I do work with gents in my private & bespoke 1:1 programmes, so do send me an e-mail or feel free to book a call and we can discuss if I can help.

7. I'm not actually sure what coaching is, or if I need it? +

My coaching and consulting programmes use a blend of scientifically proven western methods alongside selected eastern and holistic methods which just make sense given their proven track record. Being trained in both enables me to give my clients the balanced tools and view they usually require. I use a very integrated body and mind approach; I passionately believe and have found from experience that the two cannot be separated.

Coaching is often a 'want' more than a 'need'. Whilst we 'need' to eat food, we 'want' to sometimes eat out at a great restaurant for a change in our experiences. It's not like going to the doctors when you really HAVE to. It's far more empowering because you CHOOSE to do it, very consciously. You're choosing to uplevel. You're choosing to believe in YOURSELF and get the support YOU deserve. I help my clients attain the results they want in the most rapid timeframe possible.

Once people have experienced the value of having a coach, they often wonder why they 'managed' by themselves for so long! That said, my intentions are to EMPOWER you with knowledge, self-worth and focus so you get the results you desire without having to 'depend' on anyone.

8. Will this help me recover from back pain / other pain / hormone imbalances / chronic illnesses / anxiety and injuries? +

Maybe. It is not designed to diagnose your condition or replace your medical treatment without your doctors support. However, I've seen time and time again that when balance and peace is restored in the body, mind and soul, deep healing can take place, from which the miraculous really can happen. Don't hesitate to book a call to discuss your specific challenge and I can help guide you more specifically.

Enjoy the energy, health and mindset to achieve the seemingly impossible ... without sacrifice or burnout.