Over the years toxin free products and essential oils have become an increasingly important part of my health, beauty and home cleaning routine due to their amazing natural health and cleansing properties. I learn a little more about them almost every single day as they become one of my immediate go to remedies.

Here’s an interview I did with colleague Rosie Freya where we talk about the main oils we use in the home, and specifically those used to relieve stress and anxiety.

I am partnered with the mail order company doTERRA and happy to endorse their ethically sourced and quality products. You can learn more about the individual oils and purchase them through my doTERRA website here:

If you're keen to kit out your home and are starting out on your essential oil journey I recommend investing in a family or home essentials ‘kit’ (both include many of the oils discussed in the interview) as it works out much cheaper than purchasing the individual oils. This option of purchasing at a wholesale rate which can be a great way to buy your oils with a 25% discount. You can find all the details through the website above by following the link to ‘kits’.

Should you wish to know more do reach out to sally@thewellbeingconsultants to book a complimentary wellness consultation.



Are you passionate about using natural products for both the health of yourself, those you love and the health of the planet?

If you’d love to join a world-class team of fellow health, wellbeing and sustainability warriors then do reach out to discuss how you could join our team. This can be very well suited to yoga teachers, doctors, physical therapists, other health practitioners, coaches, Mum’s. Essentially all those passionate about natural health solutions and our precious planet.

By sharing such products, we can help people feel empowered about their health and wellbeing, help increase their health and happiness. Alongside we start to reduce the habits and reliance on more toxic pharmaceuticals.

You would be joining an ethical wellness venture. Healing Hands is the charity set up by doTERRA, which supports young girls in Africa to be empowered about their physical and emotional health. Do reach out to to express an interest and book a complimentary consultation.