6 weeks Online group support in an intimate MASTERMIND
& exclusive PRIVATE COACHING ratES
Thrive. GROW. flow
Would you love to continue the journey together to stay fuelled, focused and in a flow state as the New Year energy falls away?
Most of us start the year raring to go. Few of us maintain the energy and enthusiasm to make the changes required to feel the way we want to feel more CONSISTENTLY past January.
The Accelerator Mastermind is designed to accompany you beyond your new year intentions and / or the Thrive 365 Retreat.
Holding the extended space with the extra accountability, knowledge and insights to succeed with your goals.
Supporting you to stay balanced, efficient and effective to not only get the results you desire (in health, work and life), but to consistently FEEL the way you desire to along the way.
The Accelerator Membership is a way to enjoy 6 weeks of group coaching and peer support, without necessarily committing to private coaching or covering my full original Thrive mastermind content. Whilst the format will be similar to the mastermind you already know in terms of the group support and supportive teachings as required, the time commitment will be in a shorter, sharper burst so you can commit to our time together and get the first quarter of the year off to a strong start. Private support is an optional extra and offered at exclusive preferential rates.
The group coaching element will begin January 27th, a week after the Thrive 365 Retreat. If private coaching is desired then this can commence anytime between late December and February.
Designed primarily for alumni of the Thrive 365 Mastermind, Thrive 365 Retreat, Yogalates and my private clients, the group will comprise of smart, conscious women. Whilst open for a handful of new women, I will ensure they’re a great fit to the group and it will remain a small unit to ensure the dynamics remain intimate, safe and high vibe.
Having progressed beyond the state of struggle, you love being surrounded by others equally dedicated to their personal growth, health and desires. Women also keen to make the world a better place in some way, be it through their leadership at work, in business, personal projects or parenting.
For some it's time to uplevel their physical or emotional health. Others may have a growing desire to make a bold move such as launching a creative project, leaving a secure job or developing a business. Some will want to prioritise their relationships or kids or simply feel more of a sense of inner peace and joy.
No matter what the goals, the patterns that hold us back from feeling the way we’d like to or accomplishing what we desire are invariably similar.
We find ourselves stuck in subconscious cycles of exhaustion, anxiety, scarcity, procrastination, indecision or fear.
I’ll meet you exactly where you’re at. As you may have gathered by now, it’s all connected. If we lose our flow or connection with our inner desires, we become misaligned in our health, decisions, daily habits and relationships.
Yet we can’t do it all and have it all at the same time, or can we?
Time and time again I’ve seen that when women align with their core, the decisions around where to focus their precious time, energy and money becomes strikingly clear.
When we’re misaligned or hold dysfunctional or old beliefs, it’s invariably accompanied by either financial struggle, suboptimal health and / or relationship issues.
Having already worked together, the women in this programme will already know the essentials and have several tools to keep them well, focused and happy. However the realities and unpredictabilities of life can get in the way of your best intentions. From fluctuating hormones, sick or unsettled kids and aging parents, living away from family - the sandwich years can be challenging for many reasons. Yet I’m guessing you still want to feel your best have many important desires of your own to fulfil.
By considering you as a WHOLE, we’ll continue to embrace your full potential by optimising your health, happiness, sense of purpose and confidence. With the principle that your health and happiness are the fundamental cornerstones of sustaining your performance at work, in your business or in your parenting, relationships and personal projects.
There are 3 EXCLUSIVE options:
6 weeks of virtual group coaching January 23rd - March 13th 2020
The Membership option is a way to receive group coaching to continue to grow and develop your full potential alongside a small supportive community of conscious women. It is by invitation only to ensure the dynamics of this very special group of women remains intimate, safe and high vibe.
A welcome questionnaire: to check in where you’re at, your 2020 desires and where you’d love to focus
3 virtual group coaching sessions: for personal attention. 3 calls in total where everyone receives time to have their question answered live or submitted in advance.
Accountability, goal setting, pacing and celebration: to keep you on track with the required habits and action to accomplish what you truly desire
Daily weekday support from myself in the secret facebook group: for issues or insights as you go along. I’ll be right by your side to help deal with areas such as set backs as they occur, identifying limiting patterns and deciding where to focus for best results.
6 weekly themes: covering the essential pillars for sustainable health, happiness and success. These will be bite sized videos, facebook lives or posts designed to support NOT add unnecessary learnings to your already full plate.
Support to develop consistent habits: repetition creates habits at a neurological level.
Accelerator Mastermind resources site: to keep any new material organised and easily accessible until mid summer
Community: never find yourself alone in inner turmoil. Share, be supported and learn from the development of others.
A strategically placed ‘reading week’ mid - February: to give you space to breathe and reset.
An optional book study theme / prompts: for deeper exploration and development
Perhaps one of the biggest benefits about working in an intimate group of other highly conscious women, is that we so often don't know what we don't know. The insights we often witness in others as they grow, allows us to recognise similar elements within in ourselves and hence fast track our progress too.
BONUS 1: Reserve the Membership by December 15th and benefit from a complimentary 15 minute private lazer coaching session - limited to the first 6 applicants (value 50 euros)
BONUS 2: Access to my online signature programme Thrive 365™ programme resources: a library of over 20 mini trainings covering the main topics required to Thrive 365™ including: Mindset, Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Hormone Balance, Emotional and Spiritual Health (value 495 euros)
INVESTMENT for accelerator mastermind membership
(Payment plan available: x3 monthly payments of 70 euros)
Prefer to have private support along the way?
The ACCELERATOR PLUS and GOLD offer exactly that:
Photo credit @ Daria Philipa
3 x 45 minute private coaching sessions which can be used in person near Messery or virtually.
Between session accountability mini questionnaires and e-mail.
Full Mastermind membership - all details above
BONUS: Reserve the Accelerator Plus version by December 15th and benefit from a complimentary private 30 minute coaching session
(Payment plan available: x3 monthly payments of 205 euros (starting December or January, ie. prior to first session)
6 x 45 minute private coaching sessions
Between session accountability questionnaires and e-mail.
Full Mastermind membership
BONUS: Reserve Accelerator Gold by December 15th and benefit from a complimentary private 45 minute coaching session
(Payment plan available: x3 payments of 335 euros)
For those of you already having passed through Thrive 365™, I will support you to not only implement the already familiar principles, but stretch you with new content and inspirations as required along the way.
The mastermind content will take it’s bespoke form depending on the participants. You’ll get to request the specific support required based on your needs. As the core essentials from Thrive 365 are already familiar, the experience will develop and grow alongside your needs in your health, work, business and relationships.
Over our 6 weeks, I envisage the likely themes to optimise your personal development, health, leadership, femininity and spiritual journey will cover:
Having the fundamental belief in your desires is essential. We’re all susceptible to self doubt, fear and they can be the root of both extremes of over achieving and under performing.
Deepening your awareness is a constant work in progress so you're able to recognise and breakthrough limitations literally as they occur - as we embark on a new level, there’s invariably a new devil!
As we develop, we often find we bump into similar patterns, disguised in different ways - they are rather sneaky! Hence not not only are you propelled forwards more quickly, but also you develop the habit of being unavailable to stay stuck, spinning or procrastinating. Developing consistency in habits with your mindset to anchor in more deeply your practice is an essential part of this process.
2. IMPLEMENTING HABITS FOR CONSCIOUS Leadership, health, happiness and performance
Implementing what you know is essential because our results usually come from action, not pure knowledge.
Whether you're looking to rise to the next level at work, up level your physical or emotional health, enjoy better relationships or be an amazing mother, your habits will determine your success. Alongside developing levels of productivity, organisation and time management we'll explore the deeper issues often present in procrastination. The mastermind will provide the continued support to help stay motivated, accountable and engrain habits.
Heading deeper into hormones - and what dynamic women need to do understand to enjoy great energy through our mid thirties, forties, fifties & beyond. And age graciously.
Fine tuning your nutrition, exercise and sleep to feel on great form CONSISTENTLY so you aren't side swept and held back by anxiety, winter bugs, hormone challenges (such as PMT, peri-menopause, menopause & headaches), injuries and pain, unwanted weight, body image issues or periods of high stress.
The more we can understand our emotions, the easier life is! Diving deeper into our emotional and thinking brains. Areas such as:
Maintaining healthy boundaries so you don't take on too much in order to people please.
Deepening healthy communication methods such as non-violent communication and neurolinguistic programming to make life easier with challenging topics or dramatically improve relationships with colleagues, kids, partners or friends.
Deeper forgiveness practices so you can fully release those required to claim the emotional freedom and potential you're capable of.
Overall with the aim to develop your self awareness as well as resilience so you aren't consumed for days by taking on dramas that stumble into your life and often aren't even yours.
5. abundance, quantum leaps and wealth CONSCIOUSNESS
In my experience results come from partly from knowledge and self awareness, part strategy and alignment and part from the universe meeting you half way. Let’s continue to leverage this law of attraction to keep life more in flow, and less in struggle.
Just like a physical wound can heal, a story of lack of money / health or love can also heal. And as it does so it can be immensely liberating. Would you be living differently if you felt consistently full of an abundance of love and energy? Or if you felt complete financial freedom?
By exploring the next layer of how any struggle / money stories were created, we can learn how to create abundance across several areas of life, with less struggle and more ease. This is a particularly important topic for anyone desiring to run their own business or feel a sense of financial independence. Receiving and financial freedom can be one of essential elements for you to enjoy the levels of health, happiness and success you desire, yet so often no-one teaches you us HOW to do it!
6. ENERGY CLEARING, Meditation and deepening your spiritual connection
Truly understanding who you are and being able to connect with your innate wisdom whenever you require are I believe the most powerful tools we have, yet are so often massively underused. It’s also an ongoing process as we uncover layer upon layer of our complex self! By delving deeper into mindfulness and meditation, we’ll continue to develop your connection with your deep intuitive feminine super powers. The more advanced themes of embracing the energy of the moon cycles, ayurvedic and functional medicine rituals can be discussed as required.
By deepening your practices such as journalling, we will continue to work together to clear blocks and create clarity, courage, and aligned action. And inner peace.
My personalised energy clearing and protection process will both continue to help to deepen your connection to your health, self and the universe.
YES I’m In!
what TO dO neXT…
If you're all set and ready to commit simply send me an “ I’m in! ” e-mail.
Include details about which option you’d like - the Membership, Plus or Gold version to: sally@thewellbeingconsultants.com
I’ll be in touch within 48hrs to reserve your place, sort payment and help fully launch you into 2020 the way you desire!
Should you have ANY questions at all don’t hesitate to reach out via the same e-mail address.
Not sure what you want or need? More complex questions? If you feel you'd like to talk through where you're at, what's next or best for you, do book in a complimentary call. I'd be delighted to discuss what would work best for you, no strings attached. Simply book your call here or send me an email if there are no suitable appointments:
AN EXTRA WORD ABOUT THE BIGGER PICTURE, your potential and conscious female leadership….
I passionately believe that empowered women are totally capable of making a huge impact, in our world which is screaming out for change. My entire work may on the surface seem like an effort to help people heal and feel empowered about their physical and emotional health. The reality is I have a much bigger mission. I know that healthy, empowered women have HUGE influence in their work, on the environment, with their children and in their communities.
I also know that exhausted, over stressed or disempowered women not only fall pray to health and hormone issues, but they massively reduce their ability to make their impact. Her light can’t shine so bright. She’s often too busy or distracted to live aligned to her full desires and values. She hesitates about getting the support she desires, often because she feels her needs are somehow less important than those around her. She makes too many sacrifices and hence limits her potential. Gradually she dampens her power, and something within her often sadly fades.
Hence my mission is to empower women to be the most vibrant, healthy, happy, connected, creative and purposeful versions of themselves.
Powerful, conscious, feminine leaders. Not in an ‘everyone has to change the world in a huge way and lead a campaign’ kind of way -though several women who’ve been through the Thrive programme are doing exactly that.
Simply making the absolute most of your precious life, showing up consistently as your best, healthy and happy self, so you shine your light and make the world just that little bit brighter. It doesn’t matter who or what you lead - whether it’s your kids, your students, a charity, your business, your passion projects or an international cause.
What is clear is that when you take a stand for your health, happiness and purpose, then ALL those around you benefit.
The world will be saved by western women
- The Dalai Lama
I am truly passionate about you attaining and maintaining your desired level of happiness, health and success, whatever that looks for like for you. I will only ever work with those I'm fully confident I can support. So if it’s a match, I would be honoured to continue to support you in the next stage of your personal or professional development, health uplevel or spiritual growth journey.
To your fabulous health, happiness and success in 2020!
With love,
Sally x
PS. I pride myself on the fact that 98% of my coaching clients get the results they desire and are highly satisfied with their progress. Watch the short video below for a few of their testimonials. However, before you leave! Do note that as this is an exclusive invitation, this version isn’t publicly visible elsewhere. Hence as you won't be able to find or return to this version of the page via the website, so do keep the link in your e-mail to access it.