90 Minute 1:1  'Energise & Thrive'

Reclaim your life and feel energised, happy and purposeful. 

This 90 minute one-to-one is designed as a mini "life detox": to help identify and clear out any areas or habits in your life that aren't currently working for you.  

You will come away with the basics to kickstart the main area your body and mind are crying out for:  

  • Clarity in how to create the life you would love ? 
  • Energy to sustain you and your family ? 
  • A nutritional approach to suit your bodys' needs ?
  • An exercise programme that will energise and get you looking and feeling great. As opposed to exhausting you (it's not what the magazines tell you you need!) 
  • Feel bikini confident for the summer ? 
  • Clarity on how your body is working and how to get the best out of it ?
  • Identifying why the health / medical / hormone niggles are creeping in and finding ways to reduce them ?
  • Reduced stress & overwhelm ? 
  • Improved relationships ? 

I will coach and advise you regarding what to prioritise and how to improve these specific areas with new ways that serve you.  I see many motivated ladies ploughing ahead, not getting results they want, simply because they are misinformed or misguided.  You will walk away from this session with a personalised strategy for reducing body and mind stress and overwhelm.  You'll start to move forward efficiently and see the results you desire, towards an energised version of yourself.   

You're a busy lady, I don't want to waste your time.  I offer a complimentary 15 minute call to discuss if this session could be the right course of action for you.  I would love to explore this possibility with you !

This programme is available for a  limited period

Investment 149 euros

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